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During Mental Illness Awareness Week, the Douglas launches its major campaign and offers a variety of activities
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This donation, one of the largest ever in mental health, will go towards creating a centre for neuroinformatics and mental health.
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McGill academic health network affirms belief in freedom to express faith
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Douglas experts give an update on the latest research
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In its May 4 issue, Le Devoir published two articles on the importance of the relationship between research and treatment at the Douglas
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McGill's Faculty of Medicine wants to make mental health a key priority
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The Conseil québécois d’agrément (CQA) awarded the Douglas Institute with Milieu Novateur certification.
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Nomination > Dr. Suzane Renaud was inaugurated as President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.
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Recovery: two important documents now available in French
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Brain Imaging Centre > Inaugurated May 14, this is the first brain imaging centre in Quebec dedicated to psychiatry and mental health.