Section : News
The Eating Disorders Program (EDP) offers ultraspecialized services to adults suffering from anorexia and bulimia.
Section : News
In May 2003, first-of-Its-kind Canadian Suicide Research Facility opens at Douglas Hospital
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
Nous sommes en plein midi. Alors que dehors luit le premier soleil de mai, les larges couloirs du pavillon Porteous de l’Institut Douglas sont silencieux. Assise devant un bureau clos, j’attends de rencontrer enfin le fameux Dr David Bloom, ce psychiatre si respecté, aimé jusqu’à l’adoration tant par ses quelque 600 patients que par l’ensemble [...]
Section : The Douglas
Am I going to be assessed during tDCS treatment?
Section : The Douglas
Am I going to be assessed during rTMS treatment?
Section : The Douglas
What is the role of the psychiatrist in the Mental Health Action Plan?
Section : The Douglas
How are mental health care and services organized in Centres de santé et de services sociaux?
Section : Mental Health Info
Why is Alzheimer’s disease grouped with mental illnesses?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is being transgender/homosexual a mental illness?When it comes to sexual aspects, psychiatry has not had a brilliant history. Homosexuality was considered a disease up to the 1970’s, and it even used to be a classification in the Diagnostic and
Section : Mental Health Info
Can anybody get schizophrenia at any age?