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Seeing the crowds of people around the 44 kiosks in the gym of the Centre Champlain in Verdun, you could definitely say that the 3rd edition delivered on its promises…and more! Visitors had the opportunity to see such a diverse group of pre
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A PhD student in psychiatry from the Douglas Institute has been named an “Étudiant-chercheur étoile ” for April 2014.
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A conference on mental health in Haiti will bring together on Friday and Saturday people from Haiti, the US and Quebec who are passionate about these issues.
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Bruno Giros, professor in the Department of Psychiatry, explained on the air at Radio-Canada how his work on dopamine in the brain opens new avenues.
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The Bell Centre rocked for mental health last night in a special celebration marking Clara Hughes’ passage through Montreal on her Big Ride across Canada for Bell Let’s Talk. Almost 6,000 people came out to enthusiastically
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Lynne McVey talks about mental health and litterature
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Lack of sleep in young people: three institutions sound the alarm
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The Douglas Institute is launching a video campaign that can be personalized and shared on social media in order to raise awareness about mental illness
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The Foundation’s Young Ambassadors raise $ 16,650 for mental health research
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$ 9,8 million awarded to the Douglas Institute for the creation of a centre specializing in research on depression and suicide