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Scientific Research at the Douglas: CIHR Invest $6 Million
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Douglas Hospital and Research Centre become Douglas Mental Health University Institute.
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Explore your brain with the experts during the upcoming Brain Awareness Week (March 12-16).
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Improved treatments may be on the way for some 280,000 Canadians with Alzheimer’s disease.
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With the signing of two new research agreements in October, Douglas Hospital Research Centre (DRHC) expertise will be extended internationally. Mental health experts have agreed to participate in research collaborations with both the Institut de neuro
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Among the donations the Foundation received in its 2005-6 fiscal year was a $100,000 bequest from Mackenzie McMurray. This donation supported the research programs of the Douglas, particularly the work of people like Eric Latimer and Tom Brown profile
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Montreal, March 8, 2006 – This is your brain, and Montreal neuroscientists know how it works. Next week, they will take the mystery out of all that gray matter during Brain Awareness Week (March 13-19). Over 100 neuroscience graduate students wi
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Montreal, February 2, 2006 – What if you had a nightmare that you couldn’t shake? What if it haunted not only your dreams but also your waking hours? For people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), this waking nightmare follows them
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Nature, Nurture or Both? New $6 million research facility at Douglas to help understand the causes of mental illness Montreal, January 30, 2006 – One out of four individuals will be diagnosed with a mental illness during their life. Some of t
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Latest discoveries about brain revealed to public. During Douglas Hospital Research Centre's 25th anniversary celebrations