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Alzheimer's Disease > The first prevention study of its kind in the world, would like to recruit 500 healthy, at-risk adults.
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Homelessness and mental health > A research project assesses the factors promoting housing stability.
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Criminal responsability > Being found not criminally responsible on account of a mental disorder does not mean escaping justice
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Stress in the city > Time Magazine, Huffington Post, Scientific American and others talk about Jens Pruessner's surprising study results.
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Recognition of Excellence > The Douglas Institute gets praise for two of its programs.
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Mind the Body > The goal is to encourage people with mental health problems, who frequently have issues with their weight, to be more active.
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Jacques Hendlisz retires as director general > Under his leadership, the hospital transformed into a University Institute
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Clocks in the human brain > Twenty-four hour cycles, known as circadian rhythms, are important for normal brain function and mental health.
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Open Minds 2011 > The 14th annual benefit of the Douglas Foundation offered guests an opportunity to understand the nature of mood.
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"Bilingual" neurons may reveal the secrets of brain disease