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Douglas joins guideline campaign for fashion industry Montreal.
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The Nair Award rewards students who have published articles in prestigious scientific journals and who have demonstrated innovation in their research.
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Dementia: Let us not forget-Douglas discusses Alzheimer’s disease.
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Douglas researcher makes Macleans’ Honour roll and La Presse’s Personality of the Week
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New Douglas study will involve 2,400 citizens from southwest Montreal Montreal, May 31, 2006 – Sir Francis Bacon said some 500 years ago, “Knowledge is power” and this may be especially true when understanding the complexity of m
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Nature, Nurture or Both? New $6 million research facility at Douglas to help understand the causes of mental illness Montreal, January 30, 2006 – One out of four individuals will be diagnosed with a mental illness during their life. Some of t
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Breastfeeding: Soothes Baby and Mom: the breastfeeding women respond less to stressful situations.
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Musings from the mind: experts at the Douglas Institut address mental health issues.
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Baby steps: Researchers at Douglas Hospital look at infant brain development
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Important research results were discussed during the "Mother and Infant: Perinatal Influences on Health" symposium.