Section : The Douglas
The team of researchers working on suicide among aboriginal people studies.
Section : Patient care
People are referred to the Outpatient Clinic by the “guichet d’accès” of their CLSC or by other services at the Douglas Institute.
Section : The Douglas
The content of these sites (including the experts' blogs) is strictly informative in nature and in no way replaces diagnosis, assessment, treatment or follow-up that can only be provided by a health professional.
Section : Mental Health Info
Depression in young people is considered a disorder when feelings of sadness, emptiness, etc. last for many days and significantly impair life.
Section : The Douglas
The MGSS is made up of independent investigators, research associates, graduate PhD and MSc level students, and research collaborators.
Section : The Douglas
The McGill Group for Suicide Studies (MGSS) is interested in the risk factors associated with suicidal behaviour.
Section : The Douglas
The research team on service organization and adequacy aims to develop optimum service models in order to improve the quality of the health and social services system.
April 06, 2010
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Michel Perreault, PhD, this research group is conducting a study on obstacles to treatment for individuals with anxiety disorders.
Section : The Douglas
Investigators at the Centre conduct multidisciplinary research on human circadian rhythms (daily rhythmic events) and sleep.
Section : The Douglas
Through research at PEPP, patients benefit from new knowledge, resulting in state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods for the early stages of psychosis