November 26, 2009
Section : News

Improving Mental Health Services in Dominica.

September 29, 2009
Section : News

Montréal hospitals, the CSSS Cavendish and community organizations are mobilizing to organize the first annual "Montréal Walks for Mental Health". Hosted by honorary chairperson , Margaret Trudeau, the event takes plac

September 24, 2009
Section : News

Imagine a world where research was no longer a priority … We would be prisoners of the past. People suffering from mental illness would most likely still be housed in asylums, ostracized and marginalized. Internationally renowned Douglas scient Your Support Produces a Wealth of Discoveries.

September 18, 2009
Section : News

Thanks to a $30,000 donation from the Douglas Institute Auxiliary, Burgess-1 is now equipped with a brand new therapeutic kitchen.

July 29, 2009
Section : News

The Douglas Greenhouse: 25 years of horticultural therapy

May 21, 2009
Section : News

Marie-Josée Fleury, PhD, coordinated the special issue of the magazine Santé mentale au Québec dedicated to first-line mental health, for which she also wrote the editorial. This issue has a range of articles from researchers, cli .

May 11, 2009
Section : News

The Douglas Mental Health University Institute will be hosting an international conference on the use of Internet in mental health care, May 14 to 16 2009.

March 17, 2009
Section : News

The Douglas Mental Health University Institute is pleased to announce that Accreditation Canada has awarded the Institution unconditional accreditation and that its results are among the best in the country.

December 18, 2008
Section : News

Forensic mental health researcher Anne Crocker, PhD, is tackling some of today's most challenging mental health policy questions.

December 18, 2008
Section : News

Over the past 2 years, the Douglas has been working on a project to renew its physical infrastructure. This process has been driven by the increasing number of obstacles the aging facilities present to delivering against the organization’s multi