The Geriatric Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute provides services to clients aged 65 and older and to adults younger than 65 with a geriatric profile.
The program covers psychiatric diagnoses such as:
- mood disorders
- anxiety disorders
- impulsivity disorders
- psychotic disorders
- cognitive disorders including dementia
Services provided
The geriatric psychiatry program is organized in three types of services
- Outpatient services: Evaluation-liaison team, Outpatient clinic and Transitional centre
- Inpatient services: Admission and Medical Unit and the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit
- Program for Dementia with Psychiatric Comorbidity
Workshops for patients and their families
A series of five training workshops for family caregivers are offered by the PDPC to improve quality of care along with patient and caregiver well-being:
- Neuropsychological assessment (memory, dementia and related diseases)
- The natural caregiver
- Communication and activities
- Dementia-related behaviour
- Legal aspects: mandate, will, and power of attorney
- Safety at home and residential services
Cognitive Retraining
The Cognitive Retraining Program is a type of behaviour therapy that aims at improving neurocognitive function. This program is made up of three components (relaxation and Tai-Chi, memory and memorization strategies, and computer-aided stimulation) offered over twenty weeks.
Access to services
Access to the different services of the program requires a referral from a doctor, which must be sent to the evaluation-liaison team.
Clinical Research
Researcher Natasha Rajah, PhD, conducts various research projects in collaboration with the program teams on such topics as:
- The role of biological markers of early cognitive impairment in the elderly (in collaboration with Vasavan Nair, MD)
- The role of light therapy in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle
- The effects of a multisensory approach (Snoezelen room) on difficult behaviours associated with dementia (in collaboration with psychologist Hildegard Brack, PhD)
- The impact of cognitive retraining on the evolution dementia (in collaboration with clinical specialist nurse Céline Brunelle and neuropsychologist David Fontaine)
- The development of a database at the Moe Levin Memory Clinic (in collaboration with Vasavan Nair, MD, and Dolly Dastoor, PhD)
- The development of a fall risk assessment tool specifically for geriatric psychiatry patients, in collaboration with the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit team