Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Engel S. G., Corneliussen S. J., Wonderlich S. A., Crosby R. D., le Grange D., Crow S., Klein M., Bardone-Cone A., Peterson C., Joiner T., Mitchell J. E., Steiger H. (2005). Impulsivity and compulsivity in bulimia nervosa, Int J Eat Disord , 38 (3 ), 244-51.

Engelberg M. J., Gauvin L., Steiger H. (2005). A naturalistic evaluation of the relation between dietary restraint, the urge to binge, and actual binge eating: A clarification, Int J Eat Disord .

Ernst C., Christie B.R. (2005). Nestin-expressing cells and their relationship to mitotically active cells in the subventricular zones of the adult rat, Eur J Neurosci, 22(12), 3059-3066. Find out more.

Fecteau S., Armony J., Joanette Y., Belin P. (2005). Sensitivity to voice in human prefrontal cortex, J Neurophysiol .

Fecteau S., Armony J., Joanette Y., Belin P. (2005). Judgment of emotional nonlinguistic vocalizations: age-related differences, Appl Neuropsychol , 12 (1 ), 40-8.

Gaudreault S. B., Blain J. F., Gratton A., Poirier J. (2005). A role for caveolin-1 in post-injury reactive neuronal plasticity, J Neurochem , 92 (4 ), 831-9.

Ghozland S., Chu K., Kieffer B., Roberts A. J. (2005). Lack of stimulant and anxiolytic-like effects of ethanol and accelerated development of ethanol dependence in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice, Neuropharmacology, 49(4), 493-501. Find out more.

Gianoulakis C., Dai X., Thavundayil J., Brown T. (2005). Levels and circadian rhythmicity of plasma ACTH, cortisol, and beta-endorphin as a function of family history of alcoholism, Psychopharmacology (Berl) , 1-8.

Granda T. G., Liu X. H., Smaaland R., Cermakian N., Filipski E., Sassone-Corsi P., Levi F. (2005). Circadian regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis proteins in mouse bone marrow and tumor, Faseb J , 19 (2 ), 304-6.

Gratton A., Sullivan R. M. (2005). Role of the prefrontal cortex in stress responsivity . In Steckler T., Kalin N., Reul J. M. H. M. & Steckler T. (Eds.) , Handbook of Stress and the Brain. Part 1: The Neurobiology of Stress (pp. 807-818). Elsevier.

Grillet N., Pattyn A., Contet C., Kieffer B., Goridis C., Brunet J. F. (2005). Generation and characterization of Rgs4 mutant mice, Mol Cell Biol, 25(10), 4221-8. Find out more.

Guillaumond F., Dardente H., Giguere V., Cermakian N. (2005). Differential control of Bmal1 circadian transcription by REV-ERB and ROR nuclear receptors, J Biol Rhythms , 20 (5 ), 391-403.

Gwadry F. G., Sequeira A., Hoke G., French-Mullen J. M., Turecki G. (2005). Molecular characterization of suicide by microarray analysis, Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet , 133 (1 ), 48-56.

Hellstrom I. C., Danik M., Luheshi G., Williams S. (2005). Chronic LPS exposure produces changes in intrinsic membrane properties and a sustained IL-beta-dependent increase in GABAergic inhibition in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, Hippocampus .

Israël M. (2005). What is the role of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of anorexia nervosa?, J Psychiatry Neurosci , 30 (6 ), 464.

Jehel L., Brunet A., Paterniti S., Guelfi J. D. (2005). [Validation of the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory's French translation], Can J Psychiatry , 50 (1 ), 67-71.

Joiner T. E., Conwell Y., Fitzpatrick K. K., Witte T. K., Schmidt N. B., Berlim M., Fleck M. P., Rudd M. D. (2005). Four studies on how past and current suicidality relate even when "everything but the kitchen sink" is covaried, J Abnorm Psychol, 114(2), 291-303. Find out more.

Jollant F., Bellivier F., Leboyer M., Astruc B., Torres S., Verdier R., Castelnau D., Malafosse A., Courtet P. (2005). Impaired decision making in suicide attempters, Am J Psychiatry, 162(2), 304-10. Find out more.

Kim C. D., Seguin M., Therrien N., Riopel G., Chawky N., Lesage A. D., Turecki G. (2005). Familial aggregation of suicidal behavior: a family study of male suicide completers from the general population, Am J Psychiatry , 162 (5 ), 1017-9.

Klempan T., Turecki G. (2005). Suicide: a neurobiological point of view, Rev Bras Psiquiatr , 27 (3 ), 172-3.

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