Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Turecki G., Sequeira A., Gingras Y., Seguin M., Lesage A., Tousignant M., Chawky N., Vanier C., Lipp O., Benkelfat C., Rouleau G. A. (2003). Suicide and serotonin: study of variation at seven serotonin receptor genes in suicide completers, Am J Med Genet , 118B (1 ), 36-40.

Vaiva G., Brunet A., Lebigot F., Boss V., Ducrocq F., Devos P., Laffargue P., Goudemand M. (2003). Fright (effroi) and other peritraumatic responses after a serious motor vehicle accident: prospective influence on acute PTSD development, Can J Psychiatry , 48 (6 ), 395-401.

Vuilleumier P., Armony J., Dolan R. J. (2003). Reciprocal links between emotion and attention . In Friston K. J., Frith C. D., Dolan R. J., Price C., Ashburner J., Penny W., Zeki S., Frackowiak R. S .J. & Friston K. J. (Eds.) , Human Brain Function (pp. 419-444). Academic Press.

Vuilleumier P., Armony J., Driver J., Dolan R. J. (2003). Distinct spatial frequency sensitivities for processing faces and emotional expressions, Nat Neurosci , 6 (6 ), 624-31.

Walker C., Kudreikis K., Sherrard A., Johnston C. C. (2003). Repeated neonatal pain influences maternal behavior, but not stress responsiveness in rat offspring, Brain Res Dev Brain Res , 140 (2 ), 253-61.

Wheeler R. D., Boutin H., Touzani O., Luheshi G., Takeda K., Rothwell N. J. (2003). No role for interleukin-18 in acute murine stroke-induced brain injury, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab , 23 (5 ), 531-5.

Wheeler R. D., Brough D., Le Feuvre R. A., Takeda K., Iwakura Y., Luheshi G., Rothwell N. J. (2003). Interleukin-18 induces expression and release of cytokines from murine glial cells: interactions with interleukin-1 beta, J Neurochem , 85 (6 ), 1412-20.

Wheeler R. D., Young E. A., Rothwell N. J., Hall M. D., Luheshi G. (2003). Up-regulation of IL-18BP, but not IL-18 mRNA in rat liver by LPS, Cytokine , 21 (4 ), 161-6.

Yamamoto K., Cubells J. F., Gelernter J., Benkelfat C., Lalonde Pierre, Bloom D., Lal S., Labelle A., Turecki G., Rouleau G. A., Joober R. (2003). Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase (DBH) gene and schizophrenia phenotypic variability: A genetic association study, Am J Med Genet , 117B (1 ), 33-8.


Baptista T., Araujo de Baptista E., Ying Kin N., Beaulieu S., Walker C., Joober R., Lalonde J., Richard D. (2002). Comparative effects of the antipsychotics sulpiride or risperidone in rats. I: bodyweight, food intake, body composition, hormones and glucose tolerance, Brain Res, 957(1), 144-51.

Baptista T., Beaulieu S. (2002). The hypothesis of oestrogen withdrawal associated psychoses and the paradox of antipsychotic drug-induced hypoestrogenaemia, Acta Psychiatr Scand, 105(6), 473-4; author reply 474.

Baptista T., Beaulieu S. (2002). Glucose metabolism, schizophrenia and antipsychotic drugs, Ann Clin Psychiat, 13, 241-242.

Baptista T., Beaulieu S. (2002). Are leptin and cytokines involved in body weight gain during treatment with antipsychotic drugs?, Can J Psychiatry, 47(8), 742-9.

Baptista T., Kin N. M., Beaulieu S., de Baptista E. A. (2002). Obesity and related metabolic abnormalities during antipsychotic drug administration: mechanisms, management and research perspectives, Pharmacopsychiatry, 35(6), 205-19.

Baptista T., Lacruz A., Paez X., Hernandez L., Beaulieu S. (2002). The antipsychotic drug sulpiride does not affect bodyweight in male rats. Is insulin resistance involved?, Eur J Pharmacol, 447(1), 91-8.

Baptista T., Ng Ying Kin N. M., Beaulieu S. (2002). Novel antipsychotics and severe hyperlipidemia: comments on the Meyer paper, J Clin Psychopharmacol, 22(5), 536-7; author reply 538.

Berrendero F., Kieffer B., Maldonado R. (2002). Attenuation of nicotine-induced antinociception, rewarding effects, and dependence in mu-opioid receptor knock-out mice, J Neurosci, 22(24), 10935-40. Find out more.

Berthoz S., Armony J., Blair R. J., Dolan R. J. (2002). An fMRI study of intentional and unintentional (embarrassing) violations of social norms, Brain, 125(Pt 8), 1696-708.

Boivin D. (2002). Le décalage horaire, Clinicien, 17(8), 82-88.

Boivin D., James F. O. (2002). Circadian adaptation to night-shift work by judicious light and darkness exposure, J Biol Rhythms, 17(6), 556-67.

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