Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Troubles de l'humeur, d'anxiété et d'impulsivité


de Lara C.L., Jaitovich-Groisman I., Cruceanu C., Mamdani F., Lebel V., Yerko V., Beck A., Young L.T., Rouleau G., Grof P., Alda M., Turecki G. (2010). Implication of synapse-related genes in bipolar disorder by linkage and gene expression analyses, Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 13(10), 1397-1410.


Baud P., Perroud N., Courtet P., Jaussent I., Relecom C., Jollant F., Malafosse A. (2009). Modulation of anger control in suicide attempters by TPH-1, Genes Brain Behav, 8(1), 97-100. En savoir plus.

Berlim M. T., Dias Neto V., Turecki G. (2009). [Transcranial direct current stimulation: a promising alternative for the treatment of major depression?], Rev Bras Psiquiatr , 31 Suppl 1 , S34-8.

Besnier N., Gavaudan G., Navez A., Adida M., Jollant F., Courtet P., Lancon C. (2009). [Clinical features of suicide occurring in schizophrenia (I). Risk-factors identification], Encephale, 35(2), 176-81. En savoir plus.

Birmes P., Raynaud J.P., Daubisse L., Brunet A., Arbus C., Klein R., Calihol L., Allenou C., Hazane F., Grandjean H., Schmitt L. (2009). Children's enduring PTSD symptoms are related to their family's adaptability and cohesion, Community Ment Health J, 45(4), 290-299.

Brown T., Ouimet M.C., Nadeau L., Gianoulakis C., Lepage M., Tremblay J., Dongier M. (2009). From the brain to bad behaviour and back again: neurocognitive and psychobiological mechanisms of driving while impaired by alcohol, Drug Alcohol Rev, 28(4), 406-418.

Bruce K.R., Mansour S., Steiger H. (2009). Expectancies related to thinness, dietary restriction, eating, and alcohol consumption in women with bulimia nervosa, Int J Eat Disord, 42(3), 253-258.

Bruce K.R., Steiger H., Young S.N., Ying Kin N., Israël M., Levesque M. (2009). Impact of acute tryptophan depletion on mood and eating-related urges in bulimic and nonbulimic women, J Psychiatry Neurosci, 34(5), 376-382.

Caron J., Pedersen D., Perreault M., Fleury M., Crocker A., Brunet A., Tremblay J., Beaulieu S., Turecki G., Nair N., Daniel M., Cargo M., Kestin M., Tousignant M. (2009). First results on the Mental Health of the Population living in Epidemiologic Catchment Area in Montreal, Canada, World Psychiatry, 8(supp1), 244.

Cermakian N., Boivin D. (2009). The regulation of central and peripheral circadian clocks in humans, Obes Rev, 10 (Suppl 2), 25-36.

Chachamovich E., Fleck M. P., Power M. (2009). Literacy affected ability to adequately discriminate among categories in multipoint Likert Scales, J Clin Epidemiol, 62(1), 37-46. En savoir plus.

Chachamovich E., Stefanello S., Botega N., Turecki G. (2009). [Which are the recent clinical findings regarding the association between depression and suicide?], Rev Bras Psiquiatr , 31 Suppl 1 , S18-25.

Chachamovich J., Chachamovich E., Fleck M. P., Cordova F. P., Knauth D., Passos E. (2009). Congruence of quality of life among infertile men and women: findings from a couple-based study, Hum Reprod, 24(9), 2151-7. En savoir plus.

Chen G. G., Turecki G., Mamer O. A. (2009). A quantitative GC-MS method for three major polyamines in postmortem brain cortex, J Mass Spectrom , 44 (8 ), 1203-10.

Christie B.R., Eadie B.D., Ernst C., OTitterness A.K., Vasuta C.O., Webber A.J. (2009). Effects of neurological disorders at the synapse . Dans M. Shevell (Éd.) , Clinical and Scientific Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (pp. 173-188). London, UK: Mac Keith Press.

Cruceanu C., Alda M., Turecki G. (2009). Lithium: a key to the genetics of bipolar disorder, Genome Med, 1(8), 79.

Diaconu G., Turecki G. (2009). Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and suicidal behavior: evidence for a positive association in a sample of depressed patients, J Clin Psychiatry , 70 (11 ), 1551-6.

Diaconu G., Turecki G. (2009). Family history of suicidal behavior predicts impulsive-aggressive behavior levels in psychiatric outpatients, J Affect Disord , 113 (1-2 ), 172-8.

Duguay D., Cermakian N. (2009). The crosstalk between physiology and circadian clock proteins, Chronobiol Int, 28(6), 1479-1513.

Ernst C., Chen E. S., Turecki G. (2009). Histone methylation and decreased expression of TrkB.T1 in orbital frontal cortex of suicide completers, Mol Psychiatry , 14 (9 ), 830-2.

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