Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Schizophrénie et troubles neurodéveloppementaux


McGowan P. O., Sasaki A., D'Alessio A. C., Dymov S., Labonte B., Szyf M., Turecki G., Meaney M. (2009). Epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor in human brain associates with childhood abuse, Nat Neurosci , 12 (3 ), 342-8.

Menezes N. M., Malla A., Norman R. M., Archie S., Roy P., Zipursky R. B. (2009). A multi-site Canadian perspective: examining the functional outcome from first-episode psychosis, Acta Psychiatr Scand , 120 (2 ), 138-46.

Morales-Medina J. C., Sanchez F., Flores C., Dumont Y., Quirion R. (2009). Morphological reorganization after repeated corticosterone administration in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and amygdala in the rat, J Chem Neuroanat .

Morel L. J., Giros B., Dauge V. (2009). Adolescent exposure to chronic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol blocks opiate dependence in maternally deprived rats, Neuropsychopharmacology , 34 (11 ), 2469-76.

Piat M., Sabetti J., Bloom D. (2009). The importance of medication in consumer definitions of recovery from serious mental illness: a qualitative study, Issues Ment Health Nurs , 30 (8 ), 482-90.

Rabinovitch M., Bechard-Evans L., Schmitz N., Joober R., Malla A. (2009). Early predictors of nonadherence to antipsychotic therapy in first-episode psychosis, Can J Psychiatry , 54 (1 ), 28-35.

Rajchgot H., Fathalli F., Rajchgot P., Menezes N., Joober R., Boksa P. (2009). Decreased tooth size in schizophrenia, Schizophr Res , 110 (1-3 ), 194-6.

Schmitz N., Nitka D., Gariepy G., Malla A., Wang J., Boyer R., Messier L., Strychar I., Lesage A. (2009). Association between neighborhood-level deprivation and disability in a community sample of people with diabetes, Diabetes Care, 32(11).

Schmitz N., Wang J., Malla A., Lesage A. (2009). The impact of psychological distress on functional disability in asthma: results from the Canadian community health survey, Psychosomatics, 50(1), 42-49.

Srivastava L., Nair N., Lal S. (2009). Binding of Levomepromazine and Cyamemazine to human recombinant dopamine receptor subtypes, Eur J Psychiatry, 23(3), 147-152.

Steiger H., Richardson J., Schmitz N., Joober R., Israël M., Bruce K.R., Gauvin L., Dandurand C., Anestin A. (2009). Association of trait-defined, eating-disorder sub-phenotypes with (biallelic and triallelic) 5HTTLPR variations, J Psychiatr Res, 43(13), 1086-1094.

Szyf M., Weaver I., Provencal N., McGowan P. O., Tremblay J., Meaney M. (2009). Epigenetics and Behavior . Dans Tremblay R. E., van Aken M. A. G., Koops W. & Tremblay R. E. (Éds.) , Development and Prevention of Behaviour Problems: From Genes to Social Policy (pp. 25-60). Psychology Press.

Thakur G. A., Joober R., Brunet A. (2009). Development and persistence of posttraumatic stress disorder and the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, J Trauma Stress , 22 (3 ), 240-243.

Vallee M., Dufort I., Desrosiers S., Labbe A., Gravel C., Gilbert I., Robert C., Sirard M. A. (2009). Revealing the bovine embryo transcript profiles during early in vivo embryonic development, Reproduction , 138 (1 ), 95-105.

Weiss L.A. , Arking D.E., Daly M.J., Chakravarti A., Joober R. (2009). A genome-wide linkage and association scan reveals novel loci for autism, Nature, 461(7265), 802-808.


Alquicer G., Morales-Medina J. C., Quirion R., Flores C. (2008). Postweaning social isolation enhances morphological changes in the neonatal ventral hippocampal lesion rat model of psychosis, J Chem Neuroanat, 35(2), 179-87.

Ashdown H., Joita S., Luheshi G., Boksa P. (2008). Acute brain cytokine responses after global birth hypoxia in the rat, J Neurosci Res, 86(15), 3401-3409.

Belleville S., Bherer L., Lepage M., Chertkow H., Gauthier S. (2008). Task switching capacities in persons with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment, Neuropsychologia.

Bertrand M. C., Achim A. M., Harvey P. O., Sutton H., Malla A., Lepage M. (2008). Structural neural correlates of impairments in social cognition in first episode psychosis, Soc Neurosci, 3(1), 79-88.

Bhardwaj S. K., Baharnoori M., Sharif-Askari B., Kamath A., Williams S., Srivastava L. (2008). Behavioral characterzation of dysbindin-1 deficient sandy mice, Behav Brain Res.

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