
Thanks to a generous gift of the Bombardier family, the Douglas Institute Research Center is happy to announce a fellowship programme to support two doctoral-level students pursuing research in the area of mental health services, policy and population.


The objective of the fellowship is to support students interested in pursuing research relevant to one or more of the following themes:

  • Identify the best ways to organize mental health and substance abuse services
  • Determine the social, cultural and economic factors that contribute to mental illness and substance abuse
  • Foster the adoption of improved services and policies through close, sustained collaboration with healthcare professionals and decision-makers
  • Clarify the factors that allow healthcare professionals and decision-makers to make use of new knowledge on effective services and policies

More globally, the fellowship is intended to promote research that will allow for the development, exchange, synthesis, implementation and/or evaluation of innovative, evidence-based and ethically-sound clinical practices, services, products or guidelines for mental health interventions.

Starting date

September 1st, 2010 (can be deferred for a maximum of 6 months, at the request of the applicant).


At the time the award is taken up, candidates must provide written evidence that:

  • They have completed a Master’s degree (or equivalent) with a thesis requirement germane to the field of mental health (epidemiology, nursing, occupational therapy, , psychology, anthropology, social work, psychiatry or behavioural sciences, economics, law, administration)
  • They are currently enrolled in a doctoral program under the supervision of one or more of the principle investigators within the Services, policy and Population Research Theme of the Douglas Institute.
  • Medical residents in psychiatry (and related medical disciplines), and post-doctoral trainees are not eligible to apply
  • A working knowledge of the French language, would be beneficial (but is not mandatory)


$20,000 per annum, tenable for a maximum period of two years. Successful applicants will be required to apply for funding from an external agency during this period (e.g., CIHR, FRSQ, SSHRC or FQRSC).

Application Procedure 

  • Recruit the support of an eligible supervisor and have the supervisor complete a letter indicating his/her agreement to serve in that capacity. Include this support letter in the application package.
  • Complete and submit 8 paper copies of the Bombardier Fellowship Application Form
  • Have two different referees familiar with you submit (in separate, sealed envelopes) a completed Bombardier Referee Appraisal of Applicant Form. Note that your proposed supervisor cannot serve as one of your referees.
  • One official copy of both undergraduate and graduate academic transcripts
  • It is the responsibility of each applicant to insure that all documents are received by the deadline date. Incomplete applications, or applications submitted after the deadline date will not be considered.
  • Application Deadline
  • All documents must be received no later then May 14, 2010.
  • Applicants will be notified of the results of the competition no later the May 28, 2010. 

Information and registration

Joseph Rochford, Ph.D
Bombardier Fellowship Competition
Perry Pavillion, E-2127
Douglas Institute
6875 LaSalle Blvd,
Montreal (Qc)
H4H 1R3
Tel.: 514-761-6131, ext. 3433