What goes on in the minds of anxious students? 2010-08-02
What do you do when a child’s mental health begins to suffer?
The summer is not yet over and already certain students are petrified by the thought of returning to class. Do you know a student who has such difficulty managing his or her anxiety about school th...

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New website for the Douglas Institute Foundation 2010-06-29
The Douglas Institute Foundation’s long-awaited new website was officially launched last week at their Annual General Meeting. There are many features on the site’s innovative pages that the Found...

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Mini-Psych School 2010: Mental illness in children and young adults 2010-06-15
Classes are in English AND French
With the Mini-Psych School entering its fifth year, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute will be offering a series of classes in French and another in English. Both series will explore ch...

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Judes Poirier, Ph.D., C.Q., McGill University and the Douglas Mental Health Institute, awarded a 2010 Genesis Award 2010-06-04
At a ceremony on June 2, Judes Poirier, PhD,C.Q, McGill University Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry and Director of the Molecular Neurobiology Unit at the Douglas Institute, received the presti...

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Second presence of the Douglas Institute at Festival Eurêka! 2010-06-02
For the second year in a row, Douglas Institute researchers and students will be taking part in the Eureka! Festival, the annual event where science meets fun! This year, the Festival will take pla...

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Plaisirs glacés: this summer, a refreshingly good cause on the grounds of the Douglas Institute 2010-05-31
Érick Godin has been pretty busy lately. With the help of Julie Barrette, special education teacher, and Dominique Paquin, clinical administrative manager of the Psychotic Disorders Program rehabil...

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Douglas Institute research scientists outside Quebec 2010-05-28
19th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) and 6th Congress of Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and A...

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation—offering an alternative treatment for major depression 2010-05-17
 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation sounds more like a Sci-fi application than a healthcare treatment. But TMS—as it is most commonly referred to—is the newest kid on the block at the Douglas Mental...

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The new Wellington Centre blog 2010-05-14
The Wellington Centre now has its own blog called the Wellington Sun, a communications tool written by and for users. On-line since the beginning of April, this blog will inform users about the var...

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McGill researcher honoured for groundbreaking work in epigenetics 2010-05-14
Moshe Szyf and colleagues have produced findings on how environment affects DNA McGill University Professor Dr. Moshe Szyf, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, has re...

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