September 18, 2006
Section : News

Chaque époque génère une violence qui lui est propre. L’homicide-suicide, le phénomène des kamikazes, les fusillades collectives, particulièrement dans les lieux d’enseignement, constituent un ph&e

July 24, 2006
Section : News

La note ci-dessous donne suite à la réplique de Katia Gagnon qui paraît dans La Presse du lundi 24 juillet, suite à la publication de la lettre envoyée par Jacques Hendlisz, directeur général de l’

July 12, 2006
Section : News

It’s official! The Douglas is a University Institute in Mental Health—a special designation awarded to Quebec mental health organizations with specialized expertise and a multifaceted mission. To explain the significance of this achievemen

May 08, 2006
Section : News

New research from the Douglas shows benefits of indulging moms Debating how best to treat mom this Mother’s Day? Try something that helps her relax. New research from the Douglas Hospital Research Centre in Montreal, Canada, suggests mothers

April 24, 2006
Section : News

Montréal, April 24, 2006 – What do Shrek and Mozart have in common? They’re both starring in Frames of Mind, a Douglas Hospital movie series created to help demystify mental illness. In honor of Mental Health Week (May 1-7, 2006) an

March 14, 2006
Section : News

Au cours des derniers mois, certains événements traités dans les médias ont pu toucher notre perception des personnes qui présentent une déficience intellectuelle et soulever des interrogations quant à

March 08, 2006
Section : News

Montreal, March 8, 2006 – This is your brain, and Montreal neuroscientists know how it works. Next week, they will take the mystery out of all that gray matter during Brain Awareness Week (March 13-19). Over 100 neuroscience graduate students wi

December 08, 2005
Section : News

Douglas Hospital experts discuss how to keep your mind healthy during the season

November 08, 2005
Section : News

Douglas Researchers pack their bags Scientists leave for DC to present newest findings at eminent international conference Verdun, November 8, 2005 – Almost one third of Douglas researchers are packing their bags and heading off to Washing

October 27, 2005
Section : News

Boo! Feeling scared? Douglas researchers study the “fear factor”.