Section : Patient care
The Clinic for Assessment of Youth at Risk (CAYR) is a sub-program of PEPP-Montréal and accepts youth between 14 and 30 years of age who have never experienced a psychotic episode but who show signs of increased risk for developing psychosis.
Section : Patient care
Treating psychosis involves education, counselling, medication, close monitoring of symptoms, stress management, and a strong, supportive environment.
Section : Patient care
The Psychotic Disorders Program at the Douglas Institute provides services to adults aged 18 to 65 with schizophrenia or other forms of psychoses, with the exception of the Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP-Montréal), which is designed for people aged 14 to 30.
Section : Patient care
The Anxiety Disorders Clinic is a superspecialized (third-line) consultation, assessment and treatment service for people between the ages of 18 and 65 who suffer from one or multiple anxiety disorders.
Section : Patient care
The Depressive and Suicide Disorders Program is a superspecialized (third-line) service for youth and adults who suffer from refractory and/or recurrent major depressive disorder with or without the presence of suicidal behaviour. The program offers cutting-edge treatment for clients and provides support to families to help them interact with the person in difficulty.
Section : Patient care
The Bipolar Disorders Program is a superspecialized (third-line) consultation and treatment service for adults aged 18 to 65 who suffer from refractory bipolar disorders.
Section : Patient care
The Program for Dementia with Psychiatric Comorbidity (PDCP) provides superspecialized care to people of all ages who have mild to severe cognitive impairments combined with psychiatric or behavioural disorders.
Section : Patient care
The Geriatric Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute provides services to clients aged 65 and older and to adults younger than 65 with a geriatric profile. The program covers psychiatric diagnoses such as: mood disorders anxiety di
Section : Patient care
The Child Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute offers a range of bilingual services to youth aged 0 to 17 years and their families.
Section : Mental Health Info
Classes are held every Tuesdays at 7 PM, from October 23 to November 27, 2007. They were overseen by Hani Iskandar, MD, Clinical Chief at Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit and Coordinator in Undergraduate Medical Education at Douglas I