March 08, 2006
Section : News

Montreal, March 8, 2006 – This is your brain, and Montreal neuroscientists know how it works. Next week, they will take the mystery out of all that gray matter during Brain Awareness Week (March 13-19). Over 100 neuroscience graduate students wi

October 27, 2005
Section : News

Falling back, good for the brain? Douglas researchers look at time change.

April 21, 2005
Section : News

Baby steps: Researchers at Douglas Hospital look at infant brain development

March 07, 2005
Section : News

Students learn about brains on cocaine, alcohol and ecstasy. The Brain Awareness Week took place in March 2005.

June 05, 2004
Section : News

Latest discoveries about brain revealed to public. During Douglas Hospital Research Centre's 25th anniversary celebrations

August 28, 2003
Section : News

In 2003, Douglas Hospital Partners with Montreal Neurological Institute to open Its Brain Imaging Group.

April 23, 2003
Section : News

Shortage of brains - Brain donation is essential to research in schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Disease and multiple sclerosis.

February 22, 2007
Section : News

Congratulations to Rémi Quirion, PhD, on being named Officer of the Order of Canada

December 20, 2006
Section : News

Taking advantage of the latest technology individuals can now not only watch and listen to the classes (video and audio) by going to , but they can also subscribe to the Mini-Psych podcast and add it to their player.

April 09, 2009
Section : News

For Easter season, researchers at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute have some advice: drink red wine (with moderation), black or green tea and eat chocolate. Their findings summarized in the June 2007 Neurochemical Research, describe