March 23, 2007
Section : News

Gilbert started his Douglas career as a beneficiary assistant in 1985. When the ACT team was formed in 1997, Gilbert stepped up as an enthusiastic recruit.

May 18, 2005
Section : News

Frames of Mind: Douglas Hospital hosts movie series to help demystify mental illnes.

May 30, 2003
Section : News

In May 2003, Douglas Hospital honours eminent psychiatrist, Dr. Charles H. Cahn,for 52 years of dedicated service.

October 20, 2009
Section : The Douglas

How may I apply for a position?

May 17, 2013
Section : Mental Health Info

Can a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease be confirmed while the person is still alive or only with an autopsy?

July 12, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Would the success of certain famous people with mental illness (Jim Morrison or Robin Williams) have been possible without their illness?

December 11, 2012
Section : Career

Responsibilities of the Position:Staffing and Career Management for Nurses (70% of the time)? Assist in the assessment of the needs of recruitment? Support clinical managers in workforce planning ? Will do telephone screening interview (followed by po

May 21, 2010
Section : Social Media

Joseph Rochford, PhD, Director of Academic Affairs of the Research Centre, at the Douglas Institute, talks about the most recurrent preconceived ideas about mental illness in this 2009 Mini-Psych school lecture : •Mental illness is a single, rare disorder •the mentally ill are insane •If you are diagnosed with a mental illness, kiss your chances of a brilliant career goodbye •The mentally ill are more violent •Mental illnesses are not true medical illnesses like heart disease and diabetes •If...