Section : The Douglas
Partager les connaissances pour accroître l'accès aux services en santé mentale
Section : Patient care
This conference is the largest and the most complete conference on this topic held in Canada since the IEPA in 2004.
Section : The Douglas
Program of the International Conference on the internet and mental health organized at the Douglas Institute.
Section : The Douglas
The International Conference on the Use of the Internet in Mental Health took place from May 14 to May 16, 2009.
Section : Education
The Douglas shares its knowledge with students, staff members, researchers, mental health professionals, workers, and the general public.
Section : Education
Lectures are accredited and are open to psychiatrists, physicians, dentists, pharmacists, residents, students and health partners. They allow participants to talk directly with various professionals and experts in mental health.
Section : Social Media
Alain Brunet, PhD, presided the International Conference on the use of the Internet in mental health, May 14 to 16, 2009.
Section : Social Media
Michelle Blanc, a specialist in Web marketing, talks about her struggle with mental illness and the support her blog gave her.
Section : News
La troisième conférence internationale sur la santé mentale des jeunes organisée par l’International Association of Youth Mental Health (IAYMH) aura lieu à Montréal du 8 au 10 octobre 2015.
Section : News
Comment amener une personne atteinte d’un trouble alimentaire à trouver la motivation interne pour se rétablir? Quels outils cliniques peut-on utiliser pour aider une personne atteinte d’un trouble alimentaire? En quoi le traitement pour