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Sleep deprivation in youth > More attention needs to be dedicated to the health issues involved.
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Douglas Institute research and initiatives highlight the importance of love on mental health
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Major partnership paves way for new discoveries in prevention of dementia
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“Use spatial memory to reduce risk of dementia” says Véronique Bohbot, neuroscientist at the Douglas Institute
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Recovery and psychotic disorders: A Douglas Institute International Symposium
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Judes Poirier, PhD,C.Q, received the prestigious BIOQuébec 2010 Genesis Award in the Biotechnology of Tomorrow category.
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French delegation visits the Collaborating Centre
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Young gay and lesbian are twelve times more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders and more likely to consult.
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On November 24, University of Montpellier I in France awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Judes Poirier, PhD, C.Q., professor and researcher in molecular neurobiology. This honorary title was conferred by the oldest faculty of medicine in the
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