Section : Patient care
The Intensive Intervention Program provides diagnostic and super specialized services in mental health to youth aged 13 to 17 years who do not adequately respond to treatment.
Section : The Douglas
Economic analyses Eric Latimer A cost analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of the HF programs, considering all costs incurred by participants. On average, the intervention cost $22,482 per person per year for high need participants
Section : The Douglas
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Section : Patient care
The Medical Records Department is responsible for protecting personal information and preserving patient charts.
Section : Patient care
People are referred to the Outpatient Clinic by the “guichet d’accès” of their CLSC or by other services at the Douglas Institute.
Section : The Douglas
Through research at PEPP, patients benefit from new knowledge, resulting in state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods for the early stages of psychosis
Section : The Douglas
2009 Prix Coup de cœur de l'Association québécoise d'établissements de santé et services sociaux (AQESSS) Special Jury Award in recognition of its public education program Communications
Section : Mental Health Info
Find out what causes bipolar disorders and watch video presentations from experts
Section : Mental Health Info
The Eating Disorders Program, a leader in finding effective treatments, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.
Section : Mental Health Info
Anxiety is a biological mechanism designed to protect us from dangerous situations. A little anxiety is natural; our reaction to this emotion results in the difference between a pleasant experience and a full-blown panic attack.