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La troisième conférence internationale sur la santé mentale des jeunes organisée par l’International Association of Youth Mental Health (IAYMH) aura lieu à Montréal du 8 au 10 octobre 2015.
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Le système de santé canadien fait fréquemment l’objet de la manchette, mais hélas, trop souvent pour mettre en évidence ses limites et ses failles. La série documentaire Keeping Canada Alive vise cette fois à mettre en valeur le travail exceptio
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The Douglas Institute and ACCESS are proud to host the first ACCESS network meeting on April 1st and April 2nd.
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A long-term study examines the actions and experiences of individuals declared not criminally responsible.
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July 23rd was a special day at the Douglas Institute, as it was the annual PEPP knowledge sharing day.
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The Douglas Mental Health University Institute and McGill University are proud to announce that Dr. Malla and his team will be leading the ACCESS Canada project.
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Lynne McVey talks about mental health and litterature
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McGill academic health network affirms belief in freedom to express faith
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Thanks to early intervention, the Douglas Institute helps young people with psychosis regain control of their lives
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Tina Montreuil, a researcher and clinical psychologist with the Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP-Montréal), was honoured twice