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Douglas experts call Montreal fashion industry to action
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Revolutionizing Douglas Medication Distribution System.
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Mimi Israël MD, named as interim Chair of McGill's Department of Psychiatry
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Is there a price to pay to be successful? Douglas documentary examines burnout and depression?
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My amazing brain - Douglas team teaches children wonders of their brains
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Congratulations to Jean-Bernard Trudeau, MD, Elected President of the Quebec Medical Association
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From asylum to therapeutic environment: Douglas? second film examines the evolution of psychiatric treatment.
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Frames of Mind: Douglas launches fourth edition of mental health movie nights
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Over her thirty-year career, Rose's feistiness and optimism have certainly made things "better" for the Montréal community.
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Gilbert started his Douglas career as a beneficiary assistant in 1985. When the ACT team was formed in 1997, Gilbert stepped up as an enthusiastic recruit.