December 31, 2008
Section : News

Voici maintenant quatre mois que je suis revenu d'Angleterre. Je dresse ici un bilan des expériences anglaises dont, il me semble, le Québec pourrait s'inspirer.

December 18, 2008
Section : News

Over the past 2 years, the Douglas has been working on a project to renew its physical infrastructure. This process has been driven by the increasing number of obstacles the aging facilities present to delivering against the organization’s multi

November 11, 2008
Section : News

The Douglas Institute recently inaugurated its new Neurophenotyping Centre.

August 12, 2008
Section : News

The current reorganization of mental health services is no small affair. It brings sweeping changes to Quebec’s healthcare system and will affect each and every one of us.

June 27, 2008
Section : News

Last week, Dr. Yves Bolduc was named Philippe Couillard’s successor as Minister of Health and Social Services in Quebec. On behalf of the Douglas Institute, I welcome him to his new position. We are confident that we will be able to count on

June 13, 2008
Section : News

The reorganization of mental health services is having an impact on the entire health care system in Quebec, and Southwest Montreal is no exception!

April 24, 2008
Section : News

Beaucoup d'encre a coulé et coule encore au Québec pour discuter des mérites de la privatisation comme levier pour améliorer l'accès aux services publics de santé et leur qualité.

March 07, 2008
Section : News

The Douglas protocol on the Use of Control Measures has been recently updated, based on the Institute’s changing needs.

January 31, 2008
Section : News

Chronicle of a fact foretold: The increase in antidepressant prescriptions There were reports in the media recently about the increase in antidepressant prescriptions over the last decade. Since 2000, this number has more than doubled. Many he

January 24, 2008
Section : News

Gestion décentralisée du coût des médicaments