September 09, 2011
Section : The Douglas

McGill and the Douglas have joined hands to create the StoP-AD Centre dedicated to the prevention of AD.

February 21, 2025
Section : The Douglas

Alzheimer's disease: A ticking bomb Canada and the world face a ruinous increase in the incidence of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Around the globe, more than 35 million people have dementia. Their care costs $600 billion each ye

September 09, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Prevent-Alzheimer is a Program comprising of a study conducted by the StoP-AD Centre.

July 29, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Martin Lepage team is currently working on these clinically-based research projects.

July 29, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Martin Lepage's team is working on the following neurocognitive and neuroimaging research projects.

May 19, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Internships and thesis projects Our research project offers many opportunities for graduate internships or thesis projects. Here is a list of ongoing thesis projects: Student: André Ngamini Ngui Academic Program: PhD, Applied Human Sciences

May 19, 2011
Section : The Douglas

The CIHR Team in Social and Psychiatric Epidemiology gratefully acknowledges the 2,433 participants of the longitudinal survey.

October 25, 2010
Section : The Douglas

Norbert Schmitz laboratory studies the relationship between mental disorders and somatic chronic conditions in the general population.

September 10, 2010
Section : The Douglas

Research tools used by Reut Gruber's ABS Lab

September 10, 2010
Section : The Douglas

Research projects led by Reut Gruber's ABS lab.