Section : Patient care
The Child Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute offers a range of bilingual services to youth aged 0 to 17 years and their families.
Section : Social Media
Watch this 2012 Mini-Psych school class "Teenage angst or full-blown depression?" by Johanne Renaud
Section : Social Media
Antoine Bertrand supports the Standard Life Centre for Breakthroughs in Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention (in French)
Section : News
The new Mini-Psych School 2010 : Mental illness in children and young adults
Section : News
The Douglas Institute is proud to see its Director, Professional and Hospital services, Jean-Bernard Trudeau, MD, sought for his expertise.
Section : News
Inter-hospital conference 2012 on the mental health of young adults > Professionals are invited to submit a communication proposal before June 30, 2011.
Section : News
Lynne McVey gave the keynote speech on student mental health during the annual joint Board-Senate meeting at McGill University
Section : Research
Participate in a memory study> We are looking for healthy adult subjects to perform a memory task during MRI scanning
Section : The Douglas
The current research projects target social integration determinants as well as services and assessment tools.
Section : Patient care
This conference is the largest and the most complete conference on this topic held in Canada since the IEPA in 2004.