Phobies-Zéro: help to overcome phobias 2011-07-26
Her heart was pounding, and she gasped for breath. A carefree stroll had suddenly become a nightmare.  She was only 22 – surely too young for a heart attack! She ran into a drugstore. Then it was t...

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The At Home Project: Homelessness and mental health 2011-07-18
A home of one’s own to heal heart and soul
In the street, where she lived, nobody knew that Terry’s* singing voice could touch hearts. Then, one day, the lady who had helped her find her new home asked her to sing at the Christmas party of...

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Being found not criminally responsible on account of a mental disorder: not a mean of escaping justice 2011-07-05
An opinion letter by Anne Crocker, PhD
Being found Not Criminally Responsible on account of mental disorder (NCR) does not mean escaping justice! And having a mental illness does not necessarily result in an NCR verdict. Based on the pr...

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Rémi Quirion leaves the Douglas to become Quebec Chief Scientist 2011-07-05
He will also chair the Fonds de recherche du Québec
After 28 years at the Research Centre of the Douglas Institute, including 15 years as its Scientific Director, Rémi Quirion, OC, PhD, CQ, FRSC, is leaving the Douglas Institute to become Quebec Chi...

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Stress in the city 2011-06-23
Researchers observe brain activity and identify biology behind mood disorders of urbanites
Being born and raised in a major urban area is associated with greater lifetime risk for anxiety and mood disorders. Until now, the biology for these associations had not been described. A new inte...

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Rémi Quirion receives honorary doctorate from Concordia University 2011-06-21
Concordia University granted six honorary doctorates during spring convocation ceremonies, held June 20 to 22 at Place des Arts. Rémi Quirion, Vice-Dean, Life Sciences and Strategic Initiatives ...

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Using social media to bring awareness towards mental health 2011-05-30
The prejudices and stigma surrounding mental illness prevent many people from speaking out, getting help and ultimately, become a contributing member of society. One way to fight stigma, the Dougla...

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Recognition of Excellence for two programs of the Douglas Institute 2011-05-13
The Douglas Mental Health University Institute has received recognition for the excellence of two leading practices by Accreditation Canada, a not-for-profit, independent organization that provides...

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Douglas Minds the Body 2011-05-12
Although this might be the first time that you are hearing about “Douglas Minds the Body”, it will certainly not be the last. Douglas Minds the Body is a new initiative, spearheaded by Ridha Joober...

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Call for communications: Inter-hospital conference 2012 (in French) 2011-05-10
The theme will be the mental health of young adults
La Direction de l'enseignement de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec, en collaboration avec l'Institut Douglas et l'Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine, lance l'appel aux communication...

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