Section : News
Two nutritionists from Douglas wrote to La Presse to denounce the new Simons Fall Catalog which showcases ultra thin models.
Section : News
Quebec Suicide Prevention Week : The Douglas fights statistics.
Section : News
Taking advantage of the latest technology individuals can now not only watch and listen to the classes (video and audio) by going to , but they can also subscribe to the Mini-Psych podcast and add it to their player.
Section : News
Chaque époque génère une violence qui lui est propre. L’homicide-suicide, le phénomène des kamikazes, les fusillades collectives, particulièrement dans les lieux d’enseignement, constituent un ph&e
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the evidence of an association between concussion and Alzheimer’s disease?
Section : Mental Health Info
How do you make young children aware that they are hurting someone else?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it best to confront the patient about his delusions or to play along with him?
Section : Mental Health Info
Once you are diagnosed with clinical depression, are you more at risk for a lifelong illness and long-term management?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it true that mindfulness-meditation has been used as a therapy for bipolar disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
J'aurai 31 ans dans près d'un mois, mariée et maman d'une magnifique jeune fille de 10 ans.Vers l'âge de 24 ans, je suis tombée dans l'anorexie.