Section : The Douglas
The laboratory directed by Bruno Giros, PhD, studies the molecular networks of dopamine and glutamate receptors and transporters, two neurotransmitters that play a key role in schizophrenia.
Section : The Douglas
The laboratory of Patricia Boksa, PhD, has shown that birth complications can change the way in which the brain’s dopamine systems respond to stress in adulthood.
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Cécilia Flores, PhD, the laboratory investigates brain abnormalities at the cellular and molecular level contributing to behaviours associated with schizophrenia and addiction.
Section : Research
Bruno Giros characterizes the neurobiology of schizophrenia and develops improved genetic animal models of this illness.
Section : Research
Cecilia Flores' work focuses on the dysfunction of the dopaminergic system, a brain system important in reward, motor, and cognitive functions.
Section : Research
Lalit Srivastava, has conducted research on schizophrenia and dopamine, a brain chemical implicated in its development.
Section : News
A doctoral student in neuroscience at the Douglas receives grant to study in France.
Section : News
"Bilingual" neurons may reveal the secrets of brain disease
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
Une étude intéressante du professeur Samir Zeki, neuroscientifique et psycho-esthéticien démontre que le visionnement d’oeuvres d’art que nous trouvons agréables et visuellement intéressantes favorise la création de dopamine dans le cerveau et génère des effets comparables à l’étât amoureux. Rien de moins! (Le professeur Samir commente le sujet dans ce très court vidéo qui se [...]
Section : The Douglas
Team members of the Brain Imaging Centre, directed by Natasha Rajah, PhD