December 07, 2009
Section : News

Sleep: the New Wonder Drug for Higher Academic Performance.

November 06, 2009
Section : News

While Senator and Chair of the Senate Social Affairs Committee from 1999 to 2006, Honourable Michael Kirby remembers the day the members of his committee decided to shine the light on Mental Health.

June 19, 2009
Section : News

The challenges of employee mental health

February 03, 2009
Section : News

A conference held last week at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute examined the effects of natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods and ice storms on mental health. According to panelists, the stress caused by living through one of thes

May 06, 2008
Section : News

With and Without You: Surviving Suicide - Douglas' Frames of Mind presents Maryse Chartrand's film

January 31, 2008
Section : News

Chronicle of a fact foretold: The increase in antidepressant prescriptions There were reports in the media recently about the increase in antidepressant prescriptions over the last decade. Since 2000, this number has more than doubled. Many he

October 01, 2007
Section : News

Is there a link between burn-out and depression? Burn-out is generally seen as a specific problem related to stress in the workplace whereas depression is a broader phenomenon.

August 28, 2007
Section : News

Stressed about Starting High School ? Douglas pilots program to help children and teens adapt

July 31, 2007
Section : News

Chasing happiness: Douglas researchers characterize brain region linked with discontent

July 24, 2007
Section : News

Scientific Research at the Douglas: CIHR Invest $6 Million