Section : News
Highest Honor Bestowed By Quebec Government in Biomedical Science Awarded to Rémi Quirion, Scientific Director of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre.
Section : News
Anorexia and bulimia: new services and new facility at the Douglas Hospital in Verdun
Section : News
Important research results were discussed during the "Mother and Infant: Perinatal Influences on Health" symposium.
Section : News
In May 2003, first-of-Its-kind Canadian Suicide Research Facility opens at Douglas Hospital
Section : News
Genetic findings in anorexia and bulimia: genetic predisposition and external variables play an important role.
February 11, 2015
Section : Social Media
Workaholic nutcases (Published on-line, La vie en tranches, Journal Métro, February 9, 2015) SVP, voir plus bas pour la versionFrançaise Would you like a recipe for building a strong and hyper-productive team? Here’s a strategy: Step 1: Hire ten people for your team. Among the ten, there is a pretty good chance you will find [...]
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
When I dabble with paint, my mind’s eye envisages an accurate reproduction of the Mona Lisa. When I pick up my guitar, I imagine myself being able to caress it the way that Leo Kottke can (if you have never heard of Leo Kottke, get yourself one of his CDs, and relish in his authority [...]
Section : The Douglas
What are the steps in the government process?
Section : The Douglas
On what studies are your recommendations based?