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The Foundation’s Young Ambassadors raise $ 16,650 for mental health research
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$ 9,8 million awarded to the Douglas Institute for the creation of a centre specializing in research on depression and suicide
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Salah El Mestikawy received $1.5 million to explore the dual signalling capacity of neurons
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Brigitte Kieffer takes office as the new Scientific Director of the Douglas Institute Research Centre January 15
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Douglas experts give an update on the latest research
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Jorge Armony, PhD, won a $100 000 award for his studies on how the brain of people with a bipolar disorder responds to environmental events with affective value
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In its May 4 issue, Le Devoir published two articles on the importance of the relationship between research and treatment at the Douglas
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Investment in research > MNA Henri-François Gautrin announces $278,800 for research
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The McGill Centre for Studies in Aging (MCSA) celebrates 25 years of existence.
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The 2010 Douglas Institute research teams who were awarded grants from NSERC to pursue work in their respective fields of expertise.