July 29, 2008
Section : News

Luz Garcia Zielinski, who was the rehabilitation assistant for the Wellington Centre's Card Workshop from June 2007 to May 2008, spent an amazing year nurturing the talent that surrounded her.

July 22, 2008
Section : News

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer?s disease - New criteria ready to be validated

June 13, 2008
Section : News

The reorganization of mental health services is having an impact on the entire health care system in Quebec, and Southwest Montreal is no exception!

May 20, 2008
Section : News

On October 14, 2007, the Douglas opened its first Brief Intervention Unit.

May 20, 2008
Section : News

Although Director General Jacques Hendlisz loves to cook, his first passion is the Douglas—promoting its excellence, building its reputation, and guiding its evolution.

March 07, 2008
Section : News

The Douglas protocol on the Use of Control Measures has been recently updated, based on the Institute’s changing needs.

February 14, 2008
Section : News

First Canadian study to examine mental health among armed forces and barriers to help Mental disorders ranging from depression to alcoholism.

February 06, 2008
Section : News

Jacques Hendlisz, Douglas' director general and passionnate amateur chef, realizes his logtime dream of  cooking in a restaurant kitchen! Welcomed by Alex H bistro 's team, he shares his experience with Susan Schwartz in an articl

January 28, 2008
Section : News

Dans mon dernier billet, je mentionnais que les Primary Care Trusts gèrent le budget des médicaments prescrits en dehors de l'hôpital.

January 22, 2008
Section : News

Premières observations sur le système de santé mentale en Angleterre