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Congratulations to Rémi Quirion, PhD, on being named Officer of the Order of Canada
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Even the slightest touch may cause tears for those who suffer from hyperalgesia – an extreme sensitivity to pain. Thanks to new research findings from the Douglas Hospital Research Centre (DHRC), treatment for this condition may be one step clos
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The Douglas’ Scientific Director, Rémi Quirion recently participated in the prestigious Raymond and Beverly Sackler Visiting Lectureship at the University of Toronto. His talk ‘Toward the characterization of novel memory genes&rsquo
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With the signing of two new research agreements in October, Douglas Hospital Research Centre (DRHC) expertise will be extended internationally. Mental health experts have agreed to participate in research collaborations with both the Institut de neuro
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March 13-19 was Brain Awareness Week. Created by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, this international activity aims to teach the public about brain function and new research. The Montreal organizing committee, led this year by 13 very enthusias
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Douglas study evaluates beneficial properties of green and black teas Tea may be more than a trendy coffee alternative, according to researchers at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre (DHRC). Their findings, published in a recent issue of the Eur
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Montreal, March 8, 2006 – This is your brain, and Montreal neuroscientists know how it works. Next week, they will take the mystery out of all that gray matter during Brain Awareness Week (March 13-19). Over 100 neuroscience graduate students wi
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Nature, Nurture or Both? New $6 million research facility at Douglas to help understand the causes of mental illness Montreal, January 30, 2006 – One out of four individuals will be diagnosed with a mental illness during their life. Some of t
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Quebec-led research receives $1.5 million funding boost Montréal, December 7, 2005 – Most mental illnesses are not as physically obvious as obesity, diabetes, or cancer, but they can be as debilitating. Approximately, one in five Canadia
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Breastfeeding: Soothes Baby and Mom: the breastfeeding women respond less to stressful situations.