May 03, 2012
Section : News

Mental Health Week from May 7 to 13 > The Douglas celebrates Mental Health Week with movies, sports and lectures

February 14, 2012
Section : News

Michael Meaney, neuroscientist at the Douglas Institute, receives the Order of Canada

January 30, 2012
Section : News

Prenatal maternal stress > New data will lead to a better understanding of its impact on mothers-to-be and their fetuses

January 16, 2012
Section : News

Alzheimer's Disease > Douglas researchers tackle Alzheimer’s Disease through prevention. Participate in their study.

January 16, 2012
Section : News

New Executive Director >The Douglas Institute is pleased to welcome Ms. Lynne McVey as the Institute's new Executive Director.

November 17, 2011
Section : News

New Executive Director > Ms. Lynne McVey will be the new Executive Director of the Douglas Institute starting January 16, 2012

October 05, 2011
Section : News

Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention > Standard Life gives 1 million $ for a new research centre.

September 30, 2011
Section : News

Fight against Alzheimer's Disease: Sixteen experts from both sides of the Atlantic meet at the Douglas Institute  

September 20, 2011
Section : News

Alzheimer's Disease >  The first prevention study of its kind in the world, would like to recruit 500 healthy, at-risk adults.

July 26, 2011
Section : News

Phobias > Phobies-Zéro’s mission is to break the isolation of people suffering from anxiety disorders.